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Comprehensive Counsel

A veterinarian will provide you with a comprehensive second opinion about your pet’s condition. You just need to provide us your pet’s information and a description of the problem. Also, please give us your pet's current diagnosis (if there is a diagnosis) and medications your pet uses. You can ask as many questions as you would like about your pet.  If requested, we can contact your veterinarian and ask for a copy of your pet’s records, so our veterinarian can review them.

A veterinarian will review your inquiry, your pet’s veterinary records and diagnostics tests.
You will receive a second opinion that includes comments about the current diagnosis and alternative diagnosis. You will also be provided with treatment options, and recommendations for additional tests. A full description of the disease will be included. All of your questions will be addressed, and you will get a veterinarian's opinion directly by email in 3 to 5 business days.